Message reçu d'un collègue de King's College London à la suite de l'annonce de la "Spending Review" du gouvernement britannique de ce jour. Il s'agit de la circulaire diffusée ce soir par le doyen de ce prestigieux "College" à tous les personnels enseignants :
> Dear Colleague
> As you may know, the results for higher education of the Government’s > spending review have now been announced. Although many important > matters of detail are unclear, and are likely to remain so for some > time, it is evident that very substantial reductions are to be made
> over the period 2011-15 in the money that HEFCE has available to > allocate to universities for teaching. It is also now clear that there > will be reductions over the same period in real terms (i.e. after > inflation is taken into account) in the money available overall to > Research Councils for disbursement to universities in the form of > grants.
> The massive reduction in the teaching grant represents a fundamental > change in the way that English universities are financed. We now await > news as to how far the Browne Review will lead to universities having > the power to charge higher fees in order to make up for these very > large reductions in income from the funding council. It will take > some time, perhaps months, for that situation to clarify. I plan to > speak at staff fora around the campuses in the next few weeks by which > time we may be in a better position to interpret the impact of the
> spending review and the Browne Review. >
> In the meantime my immediate colleagues and I, in discussion with a > wide range of staff and students around the College, and with the > College Council, will be starting to consider how King’s can best > react to these unprecedented changes. This is inevitably an anxious > time throughout English higher education. >
> I think that all of us at King’s should remain conscious of the > College’s many great strengths, as recognised recently in our > designation as the Sunday Times University of the Year 2010-11. The > College is also extremely fortunate to have the support of its staff, > students and alumni in these difficult times.
> > Although King’s will have many challenging questions to resolve in the > coming months, we should be clear that the College should be better > placed than the large majority of English universities in mapping out > future strategies. I have every confidence that the College will
> continue to build on its achievements. >
> Rick Trainor >
> Professor Richard Trainor KBE, > Principal & President, King's College London
A lire en écho avec le message posté par E. Guerre sur la liste Préparation de la coordination nationale :
Moins £2.9 milliards pour le budget de l'enseignement superieur, qui passera de £7.1 milliards a £4.2 milliards en 2014-15.
Autre mesure notable: si la subvention de l'enseignement des sciences est gelee (elle n'augmentera cependant pas), il n'y aura plus rien pour l'enseignement des arts, humanites et sciences sociales.
Le budget de la recherche semble cependant gele.
L'augmentation des droits d'inscriptions semble inevitable. Ce qui est tres curieux est que le systeme de prets consenti par l'Etat aux etudiants est maintenu, ce qui va augmenter la dette publique d'autant, du moins sur un regime transitoire de 3/4 ans.
Les coupes ont ete tres violentes pour les plus defavorises: par exemple, ceux qui beneficiaient d'un loyer subventionne devront payer 80% du prix du marche (un deux pieces a Londres est souvent a £1.200 le mois).
Les britanniques commencent a regarder les greves en France avec attention...
20 octobre 2010
Situation universitaire, Grande-Bretagne
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Libellés : actualité, politique du savoir, université
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1 commentaire:
Sir Richard Trainor a fait preuve de son estime pour les sciences humaines en supprimant le Department of American Studies et la Chaire de paléographie (la seule en Grande Bretagne) et en cherchant a supprimer le Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek et des postes en Philosophie. Ses actions ont provoque des pétitions du monde entier. Gare a ceux qui veulent faire son éloge. Comme votre collègue a King's College peut confirmer, ses actions restent dépourvues de toute consultation.
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